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Snorers Ahoy!


Do You Suffer From Sleep-apnea

Our latest new area of expertise at SpaDental Southampton comes after our principal dentist John Webley recently attended a course in London about snoring.  Read Helen Hewittson’s excellent blog “Sleep Apnea Treatment at the Dentist

John’s course concentrated on two areas, firstly allowing him to screen patients and so knowing which patients need to be referred to sleep clinics, and secondly, in providing a new, and very effective “Sleepwell” anti-snoring device for those patients who need it.

We know it’s effective, as John’s first patient was himself, and his wife Tricia, is already reporting that she is getting a far better night’s sleep since he started wearing it!  Now to help other sufferers, and particularly, their long-suffering partners, into enjoying a proper nights rest.

For more details on S4S’s Sleepwell anti-snoring device please refer to the S4S web-site:

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