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Tim Esau’s MSc dissertation displayed at the World Implant Symposium in Geneva

 Between April 24th and 26th 2014, Tim Esau, principal at the Wotton-under-Edge practice, attended the ITI World Implant Symposium in Geneva.tim_esau_iti_knowlege_is_key

The symposium is held every four years and presents a round-up of the major advances in the field of dental implants.

The ITI welcomed more than 4,200 participants from 84 countries to its largest ITI World Symposium to date. Tim has brought his findings back to update what he can offer his implant patients.

In addition, Tim was chosen to present his MSc dissertation research as a poster presentation. His dissertation was entitled:

“An Audit of Patient Understanding and Recall Of Risks and Complications of Dental Implant Treatment Following Written and Verbal Informed Consent”.

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