SpaDental Plymouth can offer Dental Implants as a treatment option.
Mr Matthew Miller is available to offer dental implant treatment here at your practice at your convenience.
Mr Miller is predominantly based at the practice as one of our Dental Surgeons but has also gained experience as a Senior House Officer in the Maxillo Facial department and Restorative Assistant in the specialist restorative department of Torbay Hospital.
For patients looking for information on Implant treatment costs and finance options our Treatment Care Coordinators, Heather Cresswell and Louise Burgess, are always available to assist you and will book you an Implant treatment a consultation with Mr Miller who will discuss in detail the options and treatment plan. The consultation with Mr Miller costs £99 which is deducted from the total cost of your completed
Contact Heather or Louise at the practice with any questions and to book your consultations on 01752 663870 or by email