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Cancer Risk in Older Women with Periodontal Disease

Recent research highlights that periodontal disease in older women increases their risk of developing several types of cancer.

These cancers included oesophageal cancer, breast cancer and cancer of the gallbladder. The team investigated the association between gum disease and cancer in women. This is said to be the first time research has reviewed these potential links, particularly in women. Other studies show that women are more likely to develop breast cancer if they have gum disease; this research studied the impact gum disease generally has on cancer risk.

Research links gum disease with gallbladder cancer

The research confirmed the findings of earlier studies and discovered new connections, particularly linking gum disease with gallbladder cancer. This research is in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.

The study showed that women diagnosed with periodontal disease had a 14% risk increase of developing some type of cancer. Cancer most commonly associated with gum disease is Oesophageal Cancer. Women with periodontitis are three times more likely to develop cancer compared with women good oral health. Dr Wactawski-Wande explains the oral cavity periodontal pathogens can easily infect the oesophageal mucosa.

This is because oral cavity and oesophagus are close, increasing the risk of oesophagus cancer.

The study also reveals a strong link between women who smoked and breast cancer, lung cancer, gallbladder cancer and gum disease. This link was particularly evident in gallbladder cancer and cancer of the oesophagus.

The research of the periodontitis and gallbladder cancer link is a new lead from the study findings. Dr Ngozi Nwizu from the University of Texas School of Dentistry in Houston, TX. Dr Nwizu explains: “Chronic inflammation has also been implicated in gallbladder cancer. There has been no data on the association between periodontal disease and gallbladder risk. Ours is the first study to report on such an association”.

Currently, there is no known research on the causes of oesophagus cancer. The team working on this study hope that the new research will be a huge step forward in the progression and understanding of oesophagus cancer, and it’s makeup.

Your oral health at SpaDental

At SpaDental our experienced team of dentists, hygienists and therapists deliver high-quality dentistry, using the latest techniques and equipment, to make sure your oral health stays in top condition.

We encourage you to see us regularly so we can monitor your oral health, treat any problems that may arise and let you know the best way to care for your mouth and teeth.

Discuss and plan your treatment with your clinician to ensure that you are informed of your options. In routine examinations, we check if you need any further treatment, monitor existing dental work and look for signs of periodontal disease and oral cancer. We also recommend that you see the hygienist who can professionally clean your teeth, working closely with your dentist to keep a watchful eye on your oral health.

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