Habit or a problem?

Thumb or dummy sucking in babies and toddlers is a common habit we are used to seeing. Is it OK to allow our children to potentially be damaging their adult teeth, gums and jaw?
Most children naturally stop at around the age of three years. However, prolonged thumb sucking can eventually lead to misshapen jaws and teeth, speech problems and in some cases difficulty in eating.
This becomes a bigger problem if the habit is carried on as the child’s permanent teeth are coming through and when fully erupted.
Is treatment needed?
Orthodontic treatment would be needed to help correct the misshapen teeth In extreme cases, Maxillo Facial surgery would be carried out to correct the jaw.
It is important as dental professionals to educate parents about the effects this so-called harmless habit can lead to.
The problems caused by this habit will require the experience of a clinician who is trained in the treatment required.
Breaking the habit
Try to talk to your child. Sometimes they do not always realise they are sucking their thumb. It becomes a habit, something they do without thinking about.
The hardest time for trying to break this habit is at night. Prolonged dummy sucking, falling asleep with their thumb in their mouth and parents not being around to constantly remind is a tough nut to crack.
If you have any questions about your children’s teeth, please contact your local SpaDental practice who will be happy to discuss this with you.