Are you checking for changes?
During your regular dental check up, as part of your examination your dentist will do a mouth cancer check, looking at the soft tissues of your mouth for any unusual signs. We need you to be aware of any changes too.
Knowing how to perform a mouth cancer check yourself is important.Take a look at this poster from the Oral Health Foundation’s Mouth Cancer campaign so you know what to do and signs to look out for.
Here are the main points from the poster for performing a mouth cancer check:
- Head and neck – Look at your face and neck. Do both sides look the same? Look for any lumps, bumps or swellings that are only on one of the face.
- Neck – Feel and press along the sides and front of your neck. Can you feel any tenderness or lumps?
- Lips – Pull down your lower lip and look inside for any sores or change in colour. Use your thumb and forefinger to feel the lip for lumps, bumps or changes in texture. Do this for the upper lip also.
- Mouth -Run your finger along the roof of your mouth to feel for any lumps. Repeat this on the floor of the mouth.
- Tongue – Stick out your tongue and look at the surface for any changes or colour or texture. Look at one side first, and then the other for any swellings, changes in colour or ulcers. Also examine the underside of the tongue.
- Cheek – Look for any red, white or dark patches. Put your index finger inside your cheek and your thumb on the outside. Squeeze the cheek to check for any lumps, tenderness or ulcers.
SpaDental are promoting the campaign to raise awareness of Mouth Cancer. We recommend you follow these checks often, as well as visiting your dentist at regular intervals.