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Tuesday 19th December is Children’s Day at SpaDental Whitchurch

Children's Day boy brushing his teethWe want your children to have great teeth for life! Bring them in for a dental check, and we can help teach them about the importance of taking good care of their teeth.

When do I need to brush my teeth? How much toothpaste do I use? Where do I floss? These are all important questions for children to learn the answers too.

For one day each half-term and school holiday, we prioritise appointments for children on Children’s Day. We don’t want them to have to miss school!

We are a family-friendly surgery every day, but on these special days the atmosphere is even more relaxed and welcoming for our younger patients.

Our aim is to encourage children to feel comfortable around the dentist’s surgery.

All too often, a child’s first experience at the dentist is when they have an accident or they’re in pain, and we want to avoid those negative associations. At SpaDental, we want our young patients to see visits to the dentist as part of their regular health care routine, not something to worry about. It may still not be quite fun, but we definitely don’t want fear!

Our qualified staff are all experienced with children. They are used to explaining about teeth and mouth care, in a way that will help children to understand and learn to take care.

Great teeth are a benefit for life – so we want to help our young patients to keep them that way!

Although children’s oral health is significantly better this century than in the past, there are still steps to take to make sure that tooth decay is prevented. We’re here to help!


Make the 19th December your Children’s Day!

Call the Reception team to make an appointment on: 01948 664149



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