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My choice of electric toothbrush by Thomas Wardiell

I’m Thomas Wardiell and I’m a Dental Therapist and Hygienist at SpaDental Plymouth.electric toothbrush liked by Thomas Wardiell shown in the photo

Patients often ask me what type of toothbrush I recommend when they come to visit me for a scale and polish.

An Oral B electric toothbrush is a personal preference of mine. Why?

I definitely see an improvement in my patients’ oral hygiene when they have purchased an electric toothbrush and it is used appropriately.

Mine works by using a back and forth rotating motion. This sweeps out bacteria from where your gum meets with the tooth. It’s a very effective brushing method.

This is similar to the circular motion we use with a manual toothbrush, but the electric toothbrush does all the work!

By the way

There are some of these electric toothbrushes in stock in the surgery, for sale at competitive prices. And we also have gift vouchers. Great if you’re stuck for gifts!


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