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Don’t leave it too late! Christmas and New Year opening hours at SpaDental Plymouth

Opening hours - red and gold festive decorationsIf you are experiencing pain or you have a broken tooth that is starting to hurt, please don’t leave it until the last minute to contact us. 

Check our opening hours!

With everything that’s going on in the lead-up to the holiday season, it’s easy to put off dealing with a niggling ache. You hope the pain will go away. But if it get’s worse and the surgery is closed, then your holiday could be miserable.

It’ll be better if you give us a call. We can help you to get your problem fixed.

Opening Hours

Please contact our Reception Team on 01752 663870 who will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.

A little more information about toothache

The main cause of toothache is still tooth decay. When the dull ache becomes more of a sharp pain, that’s when the cavity has reached the centre of the tooth. It’s better to pay attention to even a dull ache, and find out what the cause is. If the ache isn’t because of decay, it could be a crack, an abscess, gum disease or perhaps an old filling is damaged. Wisdom teeth are often the reason young adults experience pain.

No-one needs to live with pain

It is usually straightforward for a dentist to identify and treat toothache. See your dentist for treatment sooner rather than later!

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