Tongue cleaning for fresher breath

It’s a practice that’s been used for over 3,000 years but with our modern focus on cleaning teeth and gums, we’re neglecting our tongues. Yet tongue cleaning (or scraping) is a good way to get naturally fresher breath.
These days, while we conscientiously brush and floss, many of us ignore our tongues, or just run the toothbrush over the surface. Paying more attention to our tongues can only be a good thing. Including a conscious tongue cleaning routine in our daily oral hygiene practice is an effective way to cut down bacteria in the mouth.
We all want to cut down on bad bacteria!
It’s the bacteria that collects in our mouth from food that causes bad-breath (in most cases) and dental decay. Depleting the harmful bacteria in our mouth and on our tongues can also help better digestion.
An effective morning routine:
- clean out gaps with an interdental brush
- floss between teeth
- scrape tongue 4-8 times from back to front
- rinse and spit
- brush teeth with a fluoride toothpaste
- spit (but don’t rinse)
Make sure to brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes, twice a day. One of those times should be just before you go to sleep.
Tongue scraping sounds uncomfortable
It shouldn’t be! It’s important not to hurt yourself while you’re cleaning your mouth. If you haven’t used a tongue scraper before, then be gentle. Here are a few tips to help:
- if you haven’t got an actual scraper, then you can try with a metal spoon
- stick your tongue out, trying to keep it flat so there’s maximum surface area
- don’t put the scraper back so far it makes you gag
- scrape from the back to the front, rinse the scraper so you’re not putting bacteria back in your mouth
- repeat that three more times. As you get used to tongue scraping, you may want to do it up to eight times
- rinse your mouth with water, clean and dry your scraper ready for next time
See your hygienist
Your hygienist is happy to answer your questions about mouth care, to ensure you maintain a healthy mouth.
Contact your local practice to make an appointment with your hygienist.