Charlotte Murie explains:
Why I want to become a Dental Nurse.
‘I am currently training to be a dental nurse at SpaDental Plymouth because I believe it’s important to help people understand the importance of looking after their teeth and gums.
It is so valuable being involved in the day to day life of the surgery. I enjoy the on-the-job training as it gives me hands on experience working with the dentists, patients and other nurses. I love meeting our patients, and working alongside my colleagues.
By working as part of the team, I have learned so much already – from surgery practice, to the sterilisation of instruments, to reception skills. Every day is different, and I am enjoying each new experience.
When I was thinking about my experience here so far, I discovered I have learned to be more confident and reassuring with patients who are feeling nervous. This in itself has given me more confidence as it means I have already learned far more than I had realised!
When I have completed my training, it will open up new career opportunities. In the future, I would liked to become a Dental Hygienist, with even greater responsibilities for patient well-being.’
We wish Charlotte and our other trainee nurses well. We’re lucky to have them on the team, as they keep us learning as well!
Becoming a Dental Nurse
The trainees who come to SpaDental enjoy the professional work environment. They are with us through the organisation: Progress to Excellence. All our trainees are following a structured course of units with specific outcomes and assessment targets. They are closely supervised by an assessor throughout the course, and all of us give regular feedback on their progress.
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