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Where’s Stephen? We had to find out what he was up to!

Where is he?

Look behind you!

Surely that’s not Stephen?

Our SpaDental team in Plymouth had a special reason for enjoying a night out to watch the panto Aladdin.

Every year the Ugborough Dramatic Society in Devon puts on a pantomime. The Ugborough panto draws in crowds from near and far.

So off we went. Well, who wouldn’t want to enjoy a hilarious evening of bright costumes, colourful characters and good humour? Especially when we had reason to believe we might find out what our Stephen has been up to after work.

This year, Stephen Fletcher, our dentist by day, is transformed at night. He is… for four performances…

…Widow Twanky!


…Widow Twanky!

And no, we’re not joking! Here’s the proof!

The team went along to watch the first show. We all agreed this was the funniest panto we had ever been to. And we are still marvelling at how fabulous Stephen looked in those sparkly outfits, instead of scrubs.

It was clear too, that hours of rehearsal, stage design, planning and preparation went into the show. And it deserved to be a sell out! We had a great evening and thank everyone involved in this terrific show.

Well done, Stephen, the team are ‘behind you’! Ha, ha!




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