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My Invisalign journey – a patient experience.

SpaDental patient, Laura tells us about her Invisalign journey and how it’s going:

Laura’s Invisalign journey is easier than she’d expected!

“I’ve always been paranoid about my front teeth. Whenever I went to smile I had my hands over my mouth, and I never felt confident in photos. I didn’t think I could do anything with them. And I was over the moon when my dentist suggested it.”

Laura began her Invisalign journey with SpaDental Plymouth’s dentist Diana Marcus.

Laura talked about her treatment so far: “Because Diana [Marcus] and her nurse Kathy explained each step in great detail, I knew what to expect. Diana fitted my first set of aligners and made sure I was able to put them in and take them out. They were a snug fit and I felt a slight pressure but it wasn’t at all painful.

A week later I returned for a review with Diana. I explained I was getting used to taking them in and out to eat and clean my teeth. Although I’d thought it would be difficult to manage, it just became routine. I quickly forgot I was wearing them.”

Already Laura can see results!

“When I started my No.2 set of aligners in November, I was sure my teeth were already looking better. Then at the beginning of December, I switched to the No.3 set. I was going out for a few meals with friends and thought my Invisalign would be a problem, but actually no one noticed. I could slip them out easily and I carry a toothbrush and a small mouthwash with me so I can freshen up before I put them back in.

Just before Christmas, my daughter came in while I was cleaning my teeth and said, ‘Wow, Mum! Your teeth are looking really straight!’

When I saw Diana again in January she really noticed a difference in my teeth. She’s happy that everything is going well and gave me sets 6, 7 and 8 to change at home.

I must admit, I can really see a difference already.  Even with them in, I’m smiling more now than I have in years!”

We’re very happy our patient is so positive about her results even while she’s still on her Invisalign journey! We can’t wait to see her smile when the treatment ends!

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