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Do I need an implant?

need an implant - middle aged couple with nice teethIf you have a missing tooth, or teeth, then you may need an implant. Although implant treatment is not easy, it can make a great difference to how your teeth function and look. Patients think that the long term benefit of having an implant is worth it.

If you’re in the Plymouth area and considering having implant treatment, our dental surgeon Matthew Miller is offering free consultations this month.

Why would I need an implant?

What does a dental implant involve?

Matthew Miller

Dental Implants at SpaDental Plymouth

Matthew Miller, one of our dental surgeons here at SpaDental Plymouth, offers restorative and cosmetic dental treatments. Matthew’s key area of dental interest is implantology. He has gained valuable experience working with restorative specialists in the Torbay hospital dentistry department.

Contact us to find out more about an implant consultation with Matthew.

Further reading:

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