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Welcome to our new lead nurse – Sonia Hill

new lead nurse Sonia HillWe are delighted to welcome Sonia Hill, our new lead nurse, to the Whitchurch practice.

Sonia brings with her over fifteen years of valuable experience to her role as our new lead nurse.

First and foremost, Sonia believes that her patients come first.

“I became a dental nurse because I wanted to work with people,” Sonia explained. “I like to be with people and help them to learn as well.”  Sonia is an easy-going, calm person, which is essential for juggling all of the different tasks a lead nurse has to take on.

A regular day in a dental practice involves many different activities that need good communication, concentration and attention to detail.

Such as:

Moreover, a lead nurse is responsible for the unity of the nursing team.

“The nursing team is important in a practice,” Sonia says. “We are here for the patients, to help them feel relaxed and confident. For that to happen, we all need to work together, know what we’re doing and when. We need good communication with everyone in the practice and visiting.”

One area of team work that Sonia particularly enjoys is working with trainee nurses, and sharing her enthusiasm for her work. She finds it very rewarding helping other people to learn.

In her free time, Sonia enjoys being with her family, their two Jack Russell terriers and ten month old foal.

Sonia loves having a busy schedule, at work and home. She’s looking forward to meeting her new team in Whitchurch, and her new patients.

Welcome to SpaDental, Sonia!

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