01948 664149

Children’s Appointments in Whitchurch

We’re offering even more NHS funded appointments for children

Book an appointment today for children and teenagers under 18

children and teenagers for whitchurch childrens day

Recognising the need for children to be able to access NHS dental care, earlier this year we applied to increase the contingent of NHS funded patients we see. We are, therefore, pleased to offer even more appointment time to children 17 years of age or younger. 18 year olds may also apply if they are still in full time education.

We teach children how to keep their teeth healthy for life. We encourage children make healthy choices that help prevent more difficult and costly treatment later.

We are especially encouraging parents of children who have not seen a dentist before, or who have not been for a while, to book an appointment. We run dedicated Children’s Days and are also opening up our diary for child and teenager friendly slots after school. We will welcome babies and toddlers at times convenient for their schedule too.

Regular dental examinations make a lifetime of difference!

SpaDental Whitchurch is located in Corser House, 17 Green End, SY13 1AD

Please use our online ‘Contact Us’ form here to apply for an appointment.

Note: As you are filling in the form for a child, please use his or her name and use your contact information.  It is necessary to submit a separate form for each child.

One of our team will be in touch with you to confirm a date and time.

One of our team will soon be in touch. We will do our best to fit your child into a ‘school-friendly’ appointment.

Meet our dental therapist

portrait pf dental therapist Abel AdeosunAlso a father of two lovely daughters, Abel Adeosun Abel is a dentist qualified overseas, currently registered as a dental therapist while he waits for an opportunity to sit the Overseas Registration Examinations (ORE). Abel has eight years experience working as a dentist and Senior Dental Officer in his home country. He also holds a Masters degree in Public Health.

When do I need to brush my teeth? How much toothpaste do I use? Where do I floss? These are all important questions for children to learn the answers to.

Moreover, all too often, a child’s first experience at the dentist is when they have an accident or they’re in pain. We want to avoid those negative associations. At SpaDental, we want our young patients to see visits to the dentist as part of their regular health care routine. A trip to the dentist shouldn’t be something to worry about.

Our staff are all experienced with children. They’re used to explaining about teeth and mouth care, in a way that children understand. They’ll help your children learn to take care.

What our patients say about Children’s Appointments in SpaDental Whitchurch:

“Lovely staff and very polite.”

“Great service! My son attends every 3 months to get him used to seeing the dentist. This is absolutely amazing and will benefit so many young children to not have a fear of seeing the dentist!!”

“Great visit! My daughter loves it here”

“Excellent service – very professional, and very calm and caring with children.”

Please note:

Not all SpaDental practices have contracts with the NHS. Our private-only practices offer good value patient plans for parents and children.