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Need a dentist urgently? Emergency care in Plymouth

Updated September 2019

There are times when people need a dentist urgently. It may because of bleeding, trauma to the mouth, or swelling of the face or neck. We can help!

Are you near the South Devon – Cornwall border?  If you need a dentist urgently, SpaDental Plymouth can help.

Perhaps you’ve moved recently and haven’t managed to register with a dentist yet, or perhaps you’re visiting our area. None of us ever know when we may need dental attention for ourselves or a family member in a hurry. It’s good to know how to get in touch with people who can help.

When we prepare the daily schedule, we keep some free slots for emergency patients. Our emergency appointments are only allocated on a “first come first served” basis. As these fill up quickly, we recommend that if you need a dentist urgently you don’t delay. Call the practice as early as possible on 01752 663870 to see if you can have an appointment the same day.

For new private patients with pain, an emergency appointment during a working day is currently £126.00.  The charge covers the treatment of most causes of emergency pain.

Of course, existing patients may also call in for same day emergency treatment, and are charged according to their regular payment arrangements. If anything further is needed, the dentist will provide a full treatment plan, with the costs outlined. 

What if I need to see a dentist when the practice is closed?

We know there are weekends and holidays when it’s impossible to wait until the next day. There are also times when the situation is severe and urgent treatment is necessary.

Bleeding that’s not stopping, or swelling that’s increasing and may obstruct airways, for example, are matters of urgency.

First aid to help you manage toothache until you can see a dentist:

Help for a knocked out tooth:

Tips to avoid urgent dental care:

Prevention is cheaper than cure!

If it’s not so urgent but you’re in pain, then a pharmacy can help.

Your pharmacist is a trained health care professional who can suggest pain relief medication to ease a dental problem until you can see your dentist.

Further reading:

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