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We all enjoy a warm welcome!

So much going on yet there’s always time for a warm welcome!

I was fortunate to be able to visit five of the six SpaDental practices this week in quick succession. At every practice staff and clinicians are busy, going about the everyday work of making sure that our patients are greeted, well-treated, happy and smiling. But they’re never too busy to offer a warm welcome!

The practices are genuinely warm and welcoming.

There’s so much important behind the scenes work!

The list could go on! There are so many aspects to running a dental practice. It’s breath-taking!

Everyone cares!

Each practice is like a swan, calm and serene. But beneath the surface, they are powered by strong and purposeful movement.

Sadly, there was one problem I noticed, however:

Missed appointments mean that people who could have had that appointment have to wait. And the time of the dental team isn’t utilised effectively.

Sometimes an appointment needs to be cancelled because a car breaks down, or the patient doesn’t feel well enough to attend. In situations like this, patients often do manage to call the reception desk. The more notice there is, the better, as then that time can be used for another patient.

So please, please, keep track of your appointments, and cancel at least a day in advance if you think you will not be able to attend.

A real bonus!

At this time of the year, travelling around the SpaDental practices is a real pleasure. From the tranquil lakes of Shropshire, to the iconic seafront of Plymouth, the west of England is glorious!

An enormous thank you to everyone in the practices I visited!

Further reading:

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