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Allow extra time to get to your appointment, please.

Updated July 2019

Please be aware that roadworks continue to disrupt traffic on the Mannamead Road. If you have a dental appointment it’s important to check you route and plan your time to arrive at your appointment on time. As we have a busy schedule for appointments, unfortunately we cannot see patients who are late.

From Monday 29th July 2019, there will be four nights of roadworks on the Mannamead road between Mutley Plain and Mutely Road. This resurfacing work may mean finding alternative routes during the day too.

We all welcome the Mannamead Road, Plymouth improvements that will make our journeys around town safer and more efficient. This week in July marks the beginning of roadworks in the area around SpaDental Plymouth that will last for five months. We advise you to check travel times to be able to get to your appointments on time and consider changes to parking availability in the area.

As a result of the Mannamead road improvements, by the new year there will be:

However, we kindly ask you to please consider travel and parking times so you won’t miss your appointment!

In less than six months, between January and June 2018, 1,056 patients failed to attend their dental appointments at SpaDental Plymouth. We hope that the number of missed appointments will not increase even more with the expected traffic complications around our area.

We kindly ask you to be aware of our appointment cancellation policy*:

Please don’t miss your appointment with us!

(*Please note that special consideration for missed appointment is only given in unforeseen, extreme circumstances, which is why we are notifying patients of roadworks).

You can find further information at:

Appointment times are important:


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