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The back to school packed lunch challenge

After the sunniest of summer holidays, it’s nearly September, and the school packed lunch challenge begins again! Day after day, throughout the school term, it’s hard to keep getting meals ready. It isn’t easy making something the children like, that fills them up, and is healthy too!
shows a healthy and an unhealthy school packed lunch

Why do some families opt for school packed lunches?

A plan will help!

 What’s in a healthy packed lunch?

Children need energy! So they need food with enough calories, protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals. A healthy packed lunch should balance the five food groups from the EatWell Plate, Grains, vegetables, fruits, protein and dairy.

Ingredients for a good school packed lunch.

No single food has everything a body needs to be healthy, so variety is important! That’s why making a two week plan can be helpful.

What about snacks such as crisps, cakes, pastries and sweets?

It’s definitely best to avoid too much sugar, fat and salt. So packets of crisps, chocolate bars, biscuits, cakes, pastries and processed meats are best left on the shelf.

If we can identify exactly what it is we’re eating, it’s usually a healthier option!

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