NHS dental fines continue because the NHS charges patients who make a wrong claim for dental care costs.
The automatic system that sends out penalty charge notices (PCN) began as a way of checking up on the large number of false claims that were being made with deliberate intent to avoid payment. However, the system can also target vulnerable patients.
What do claim forms look like?
How does the NHS charge for dental care?
NHS dental care comes at a cost to most patients. However, some patients are entitled to exemptions or reductions.
- Some NHS dental patients may receive free dental care.
- Learn more about HC2 certificates.
- Others, as part of the NHS Low Income Scheme, are entitled to some help with their fees.
- Learn more about HC3 certificates.
- It is very important, therefore, that patients understand what their payment status is to avoid NHS dental fines.
Patients who make a wrong dental claim receive a Penalty Charge Notice in the post.
- If a patient puts in a wrong claim, the system spots it, and an NHS dental fine is due.
- The NHS BSA issued 160,000+ penalty notices to dental patients since 2013.
How much are NHS dental fines?
The penalty charge can go up as high as £150.
The NHS penalty charge notice asks for:
- the cost of the dental treatment according to the band,
- a penalty charge that is five times the cost of the original treatment, but no more than £100,
- an additional £50 is due on missed payments after 28 days.
It is possible to make a claim against the NHS penalty charge if you think there’s been a mistake, or because of exceptional circumstances.
NHS dental fines can result from genuine mistakes.
You can read more detailed information about the NHS penalty charges on the NHS BSA website
Steps to take to avoid getting a penalty charge notice and paying an NHS dental fine.
- Check your status, or check the status of people you care for. Please ask if you’re not sure about your rights. Our reception staff can offer helpful advice.
- Come to the practice with a friend or relation who can help you. Often people are a bit nervous at the dentist, or have the treatment on their mind. It can be hard to focus on form-filling and payment. Bring along someone for company and support.
- Allow lots of time. Sit down to fill in paperwork, take your time and read it through. The NHS forms that are catching people out are official documents, so it’s important to be careful. A little extra time now can save a lot of trouble later.
- Ask the reception team if there’s something you’re not sure about. Although we can’t fill in your form, or confirm it’s correct, we are here to assist you, so please ask and we will do whatever we can to help.
Related reading:
- NHS Dental Service Privacy Notice
- NHS charges 2018-19
- Understanding NHS charges
- Paying for your SpaDental treatment
- Don’t lose your NHS registration
- Fluoride in our water
- Can oral infections cause sepsis?
Please note:
- To improve children’s oral health in line with government intitiatives, babies, children and teenagers can apply directly to Plymouth or Whitchurch.
- SpaDental practices in Plymouth and Whitchurch accept new adult NHS patients from a waiting list.
* Also note: NHS BSA is the monitoring office for PCNs.