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NHS dental fines for ticking the wrong box continue.

NHS dental fines continue because the NHS charges patients who make a wrong claim for dental care costs.

The automatic system that sends out penalty charge notices (PCN) began as a way of checking up on the large number of false claims that were being made with deliberate intent to avoid payment. However, the system can also target vulnerable patients.

What do claim forms look like?

How does the NHS charge for dental care?

NHS dental care comes at a cost to most patients. However, some patients are entitled to exemptions or reductions.

Patients who make a wrong dental claim receive a Penalty Charge Notice in the post.

How much are NHS dental fines?

The penalty charge can go up as high as £150.

The NHS penalty charge notice asks for:

It is possible to make a claim against the NHS penalty charge if you think there’s been a mistake, or because of exceptional circumstances.

NHS dental fines can result from genuine mistakes.

You can read more detailed information about the NHS penalty charges on the NHS BSA website 

Steps to take to avoid getting a penalty charge notice and paying an NHS dental fine.

Related reading:

Please note:

* Also note: NHS BSA is the monitoring office for PCNs.

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