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Protect tooth enamel – 10 tips.

Protect tooth enamel from the grind of everyday life.

The gradual wearing away of our teeth throughout our lives is a reality.

Follow ten simple tips to have better teeth forever!

There’s a SpaDental practice close to this lovely coastline.

If we think of our teeth as cliffs, standing up to the relentless beat of waves, we can understand that the harder they are, the better they last.

Teeth take a bit of a bashing!

Not literally, we hope. But if you’re in need, we can help with that too!

Designed to grind and chew and bite, teeth are strong.

There are a lot of demands on our teeth during a regular day, and at night too. Tooth enamel is incredibly resilient, therefore. It has to be.

But not so tough that we can abuse it.

Tooth enamel is eroded by:

10 tips to protect tooth enamel.

Give teeth a chance.

Protecting tooth enamel is about a healthy diet as well as good oral hygiene.


Favour instead:

What are the signs we didn’t protect tooth enamel ?

Your dentist can help.

Are you concerned about the function, feel or appearance of your teeth?

Make an appointment to talk to your dentist. Your dentist can recommend treatments to protect your teeth and enhance your appearance.

Anxious patients can benefit from treatment with sedation.

Possible solutions are:


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