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Is walking to school dangerous?

walkin is man;s best medicine is quoted, with mountains behind. Answers is walking to school dangerous.How did your child get to and from school today?

Chances are it was by either car or bus.

There was a time when most children either walked to school, or cycled. Now fewer than half of our children walk to school. Living Streets is one of the action groups that wants to reverse the decline.

October is International Walk to School Month.

As Monday is the first day of October, is it possible to organise something this weekend, if you haven’t already, so more children can walk to school?

Is walking to school dangerous?

Yes, there are dangers.

But is fear the real reason children don’t walk to school?

If we’re honest, probably more and more children get transport into school because it’s easier.

Yes, it takes more planning to get children to walk to school. Often it means getting up earlier, having to carry extra shoes because of rain, and it all takes more time.

But this month of October is a good time to try walking to school, to see if it can work out for you as a family.

If we ask ourselves, “Is walking to school dangerous?”
The answer is: “It’s not walking to school that’s dangerous.”

There’s a lot in the media these days about childhood obesity. Consequently, younger people are developing type 2 diabetesNowadays many young people are not getting the exercise they need to develop healthy, strong bodies.

Why is it good to walk to school?

Tips to keep kids safe on the roads:

Is walking to school dangerous? With care, it doesn’t have to be.

At SpaDental we’re especially interested in the health of our young patients.

We believe that if children stay fit and healthy, they’ll also have great teeth!

SpaDental Plymouth and SpaDental Whitchurch are registering children as new NHS patients, in support of government initiatives to improve the dental health of children.

Further reading:

And a health boost for parents?

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