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SpaDental wishes you a happy and safe new year!

Wishing everyone a healthy, happy and safe new year!

We sincerely hope that you’ll have a wonderful new year with your family and friends, full of happiness and joy. In particular, we sincerely hope that you stay healthy and have a safe new year, with no need to access our emergency services.


That said, it’s worth keeping the information below handy, just in case.

Six tips to help keep your teeth safe:

Crashes and falls can happen on any day. Although accidents may happen when we’re on our own, or going about our usual routines of work and activities, they also happen when we’re with family. Many accidents are linked to doing something we wouldn’t usually do. Perhaps we’re playing with children, drinking a bit more than usual, we’re in an unfamiliar place, wearing higher heels than we normally would, or there’s a lot of people, pets or objects to trip over.

Unfortunately, however much we try to avoid them, accidents happen.

What to do if there’s an accident:

Advice for what to do in an Dental Emergency:

Wishing all our patients and future patients a happy and safe new year!

Our Dental Emergency Information:

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