Even while we are closed for face-to-face services, our teams take phone calls and respond to emails from our patients. While many staff can work from home, some are also coming into the practices. Two of the team explain the necessary precautions they take to keep safe working on site.
In the video below you can watch our dental nurse Leah Finnemore get ready for work at SpaDental Plymouth. She’s one of the team taking patient calls. Dentist Chloe Greenham is on duty too.
Our remote advice, triage and referral service helps patients, and anyone who gets in touch from around the country. Our teams assess your situation and offer solutions while practices are still closed.
[cta id=’10023896′]As soon as Leah arrives at the practice, she heads for the hand sanitiser, which is conveniently located close to the door. Then she has to take her temperature, to make sure it’s normal.
After another application of hand sanitiser, Leah changes into her scrubs before wiping down all of the surfaces that she will be touching, such as the phone, keyboard, her chair and workstation.
As Chloe explains, throughout the day cleaning continues, hand-washing is regular and they adhere to social distancing guidelines.
At the end of the day, team members go through the same sanitising routines, check their temperature and change to go home.
Enhanced precautions to keep safe
In the usual course of a day in a dental practice, routines of cleaning surfaces and sterilising equipment is thorough.
Staff already implement preventive measures and strict protocols to ensure staff and patient safety. As well as in-practice checks, the Care Quality Council also checks dental practices are reaching the required standards.
During the current crisis, enhanced precautions will help prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. For example, taking people’s temperatures is one of the new precautions for patient and staff screening. It’s supported by questions about symptoms and exposure to possible carriers.
When patients can come to the practices again, you’ll see the special measures in place. Although it will take time, the new procedures are to ensure patient safety when we can welcome you again.
Currently our enhanced essential precautions are designed to keep two or three members of staff safe. We’re having regular remote conferences to plan our phased reopening.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.