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SpaDental Plymouth welcoming new private patients in January 2021

As you know, dentists at the moment are still catching up after the long closure earlier this year. Since returning to work in the summer, we’ve been seeing as many patients as we can. We have prioritised patients with pressing needs and patients who already had a treatment plan underway.
christmas envelope welcomes new private patients january 2021
During our phased return to work, we were, as we still are, working more slowly than before. Because of the new protocols in place to control and prevent cross-infection, systems that help to keep both staff and patients safe and limit the spread of coronavirus, we cannot see as many patients in a day as we used to.

Thank you for contacting us

We are very happy to be receiving so many calls from people who want to join SpaDental Plymouth as private ‘pay-as-you-go’ or ‘plan’ patients. It really is wonderful to have so much interest in our practice. We’re very much looking forward to welcoming you in the new year.

Unfortunately we can’t process your paperwork this month,  but we want to let you know that we can register new private patients from January 2021. We will re-open bookings for new patient appointments then.

With the December holidays approaching, we must continue to prioritise our registered patients. During the remaining days of the year, we’re doing our best to help our patients with scheduled appointments, and adding only urgent cases to our diary.

Please also note that due to a reduction in our NHS funding, we cannot add to our NHS patient list at this time.

We’re looking forward to seeing you next year

What a year we’ve all had! We’re looking forward to 2021, and hoping that with vaccinations being rolled out we’ll see more patients during our working days.

If you would like to become a new private patient with SpaDental Plymouth, please get in touch with us in the New Year. We very much look forward to hearing from you then.

Meanwhile, wishing you health and happiness.

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