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Can oral infections cause sepsis?

Yes, oral infections cause sepsis in some patients if left untreated.

Any infection in our body can cause sepsis.

Know the signs of infection, and take action. Oral infections left untreated can lead to serious complications. The information below explains when you need to take emergency action.

Do you watch Coronation Street?

If you do, you’ll know from the story of Jack, and the scrape he got playing football, that it can be hard to diagnose sepsis. And that it has tragic consequences. Jack had to have his foot amputated.

What is Sepsis?

In the past, sepsis was called blood poisoning, or septicaemia. Now we call it sepsis.

Even with modern medicines, it is a killer.

Around the world, 6 million people a year die from sepsis. 44,000 are from the UK.

Sepsis is a reaction, an over-reaction, to an infection. It happens when our body, instead of fighting an infection, begins to fight against itself.

More people die from sepsis, than from breast, bowel and prostrate cancer.

The symptoms of sepsis, as listed on the Sepsis Trust poster, are easy to dismiss as some kind of flu. If identified early, treatment for sepsis is usually straightforward.

Oral infections cause sepsis.

Leave an infection? It can turn into sepsis.

To avoid sepsis, signs of an oral infection need attention:

Although an infection is not sepsis, it can turn into sepsis.

Therefore, if you have signs of an oral infection talk to a health professional right away.

Dentists check patients mouths for signs of infection.

A clinical environment matters.

Even dental treatments break through our body’s defence barriers. Tooth enamel, skin and mucosal linings, are there for our protection. A breach opens the risk of infection.

Whatever the procedure, get it done in a regulated environment.  Dental surgeries meet strict requirements, and undergo regular inspections.  Staff train in decontamination. Patient safety is vital.

Oral infections cause sepsis in some patients if untreated.

Here are some tips to prevent oral infections:

Learn more about sepsis signs from the video.

Also: NHS fines continue. Check the right box.

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