‘Pilot Pete’
24th December 1997 – 25th June 2023
Meet Peter Gregory
Click on this photo of Peter Gregory in his racing balloon to read more about the World Championship.
Update from Pilot Pete
“I would like to thank you all at Spa Dental for your support and sponsorship for the World Hot Air Balloon Championships 2022. The whole team was grateful for the clothing purchased that will be worn for years to come, especially the jumpers which were needed in the chilly early mornings!
Team GB had success at the World Championships, placing 2 pilots in the top 20 out of 103 pilots. The weather for the week was perfect, allowing 10 flights out of 10 potential slots, where all pilots took part in 32 tasks, the largest number of tasks ever flown in a World Championship.
This was also the first World Championships that had a media team following the entire event, streaming all flights live on Facebook bringing in thousands of views on each stream from all around the World.”
Well done, Peter, and we look forward to following your future successes.
Do you have a business to advertise?
Don’t miss this excellent opportunity to promote your business and support a future world champion too – put your name on a balloon! Sponsor SpaDental patient Peter Gregory, a competitive balloon pilot.
Whether you’ve found this page because you’re a patient of ours, another dental company, or you’ve just come across this page by chance, please read on. I think you’ll agree this is a unique and cost-effective way to see your company’s name in front of a wide range of potential new customers.
Sponsorship begins for as little as £250 for a logo on teamwear. Your brand blazoned across the balloon itself is rather more, but the impact is tremendous!
SpaDental patient Peter Gregory is a world class balloon pilot. He is one of six team pilots to represent Team GB Ballooning. This September, they will compete in the World Championship competitions in Slovenia. Between now and then, Peter will also be participating in other events in the UK and Europe, raising the visibility of any sponsorship you offer.
Get your brand seen!
Advertising is often a bit hit or miss. Whether it’s time consuming social media work, or expensive print marketing, it can be a challenge to develop brand recognition. We’d like to share with you a unique opportunity to gain visibility while you support this exciting sport.
Balloons are very photogenic. Colourful hot air balloons floating across a clear blue sky always draw attention and attract photographers. Both amateurs and professionals then share their photos on social media, which means your name can reach a wide audience.
Imagine the potential exposure your brand can enjoy! Peter will participate in a calendar of events before the world championship, here and abroad. In the UK, he will be seen in the skies above Warwickshire, Staffordshire, Gloucestershire and Bristol. Peter will also be attending events in France and Austria, as well as Slovenia.
Moreover, Peter has an extensive following himself on both TikTok and Instagram. As he promotes his own profile, yours will be promoted too. As part of your sponsorship, Peter’s own social media interactions will introduce your name to a wide range of potentially new customers in the UK and overseas.
Peter offers a range of different priced options to cover anything from logos to banners to the actual balloon envelope. He would love to hear from anyone who would like to know more about becoming a sponsor.
Get in touch or find out more:
The SpaDental team is also happy to help answer your questions.