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Why, when and how to use a defibrillator

All SpaDental staff are trained in resucitation

Although we hope that we don’t have to use our training in an emergency or the defibrillator we have in practice, both are essential.

Here at SpaDental we’re committed to offering the best patient care. We want to be sure that you’re always in safe hands.

A defibrillator can save a life

You’ve probably noticed how many defibrillators there are now in public places: on the high street, at the leisure centre, in the library, for example. These are AEDs – automated external defibrillators. They are designed to be used by anyone, are effective and safe to use.

Q: When should I use a defibrillator?

A: When someone goes into sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), use a defibrillator to give an electric shock to the heart through the chest.

Q: What do I need to do?

A: There are three steps to follow if someone has a cardiac arrest:

Q: How can I use a defibrillator?

A: It’s easier than you may think.

Q: What is sudden cardiac arrest?

A: It’s a major cause of premature death. Quick action is necessary. SCA is when the electrical rhythm that controls the heartbeat changes. Instead, there’s a chaotic rhythm called ventricular fibrillation, or VF. A defibrillator can restart the correct rhythm. The sooner, the better.

How do I do CPR?

This is something people without training may worry about. Even people with training know that doing CPR on a practice dummy is not the same as helping a real person. But, if they have gone into cardiac arrest, then some help is better than none at all. Just keep on doing your best until professional help arrives. Don’t give up!

Take a minute to watch this British Heart Foundation video – you could save a life

If you don’t have first aid training, it will help you feel confident if you ever do need to do CPR.

Further reading to protect yourself and others:

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