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Do you have a wedding to go to?

It’s so great to be socialising as normal these days. In fact, it’s hard now to remember the months when we couldn’t go out. So lets make the most of our freedom to go out and smile!

We can help you smile!

Do you think your smile’s not quite as you want it to be? Is it looking a little tarnished? Before you try over-the-counter solutions to whiten your teeth, book an appointment with your dentist. Plan a smile that will keep your teeth safe.

Some of our practices have a cost-saving tooth-whitening offer! Click here to find out if it’s yours!

Healthy teeth look youthful

It’s no surprise, no secret, that healthy teeth are associated with youthful good looks. Nothing says “I’m fit!” like a gleaming smile.

These days, of course, wedding photographers will enhance images to make sure the wedding party is looking great. But it’s nice to feel that we don’t need to use digital tricks and actually look good for real. With so much media pressure, it can be hard to remember that looking good doesn’t have to be about looking perfect. We’re sensibly getting used to people we see online not looking the same as they do in real life.

What does matter is looking healthy. And one of the best ways to look well is to have a bright smile, which is easier and cheaper to achieve than you may think. The safest way to achieve it is with at-home tooth lightening prescribed by a dentist. Although your teeth can be digitally whitened, why not get them lightened for real anyway?

While you may think that the price dentists charge for tooth whitening is high, it’s worth it! Professionally prescribed treatments are stronger than legally available products on the high-street, and safer than dodgy remedies or online gambles.

Two steps to brighter teeth!

Do you have a wedding to go too?

Dental treatment can take some time, depending on the treatment you’re thinking of. It’s worth booking an appointment sooner rather than later, to find out what you can do in the time available. Tooth whitening is a shorter procedure that can make an immediate difference, as are aesthetic procedures.  Some of our practices offer prescribed skin smoothing treatments and lip-fillers, for example. However, if you want to have clear braces for straighter teeth, the process of gently moving teeth into their optimum position takes longer.

If you’re lucky enough to have a wedding to go to, we recommend including your dentist on your planning list!


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