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Special Summer Sports Guard Offer

Young athlete with mouth guard40% off!

Yes, that’s correct.

During the summer holiday, SpaDental Ledbury and Ross are offering a fabulous 40% discount on the cost of a custom fitted sports guard. This means that a superior quality sports guard is reduced to only £120.

Get proper protection

Dentist Nader Botros offers a mouth shield that provides the best protection against damage incurred by impact during a sporting activity.

Every year, people lose or break teeth during sports. Whether it’s a collision with a goal post, a whack in the mouth from an elbow on the rugby pitch, or a fall, wearing a custom-fitted mouth guard can protect your teeth.

“Boil and bite” guards

The most readily available gum shield is one that the wearer adjusts to fit by heating up an off-the-peg generic model then biting into it. While these guards are better than no protection, they may not quite make the grade. First and foremost, this sort of guard is usually thicker and heavier, therefore more difficult to wear. Often young people will begin with the intention of wearing their shield but soon give up because they’re simply not very user friendly.

A custom fit guard

A gum shield that is made to measure achieves a custom fit and therefore offers superior protection to the teeth, the jaw, and even the brain as it absorbs impact.

Of course, an off-the-peg mouth guard is less costly, which is why we are offering a discount. We believe that the superior materials and fit are well worth the initial investment.

Who needs a sports guard?

Any child or adult involved in contact sports  (rugby or boxing, for example) or sports that involve a racquet, bat or hard ball. If your child attends a club or activity that recommends mouth protection, we highly recommend our custom fitted sports guards.

Book now, to take advantage of our 40% discount!

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