It is with great sadness we reflect on the news our dear colleague and friend, Pamela Higgs, passed away on Saturday 26th August. Pam was 54, and the mother of two boys, Ben and Sam, now in their early twenties. We extend our deepest sympathy to Pam’s husband Paul, and to their sons.
Pam came to work in the practice that is now SpaDental Tewkesbury, when she was in her twenties. At that time the practice was on the other side of the High Street, before moving to the current building where she worked for so many years.
Dentist Greg Martin says of Pam:
“I was lucky enough to have worked with Pam in Tewkesbury from 2014 until she retired. Pam was a popular, caring and conscientious dentist who always had her patient’s best interests at heart. Pam had worked in the 40 High St practice since it opened, having moved across the road from the previous premises further along the street. She was a great colleague for me especially as we both enjoyed different aspects of dentistry – Pam enjoying root canal treatments at which she was exceptional and me enjoying extractions. We had a great system going whereby we would pass treatments between ourselves avoiding having to do our least favourite treatments whilst ensuring patients achieved the best outcomes. She was a valued member of the team and her friendly and sympathetic demeanour meant she was a friend to everyone. Pam was always happy to support anyone, her patients remember her fondly and regularly recount occasions when she went out of her way to help them or get them out of pain.”
Colleagues who worked with Pam remember her fondly:
“Such a lovely friend and colleague, who will be missed by staff and patients alike.” Sophie Kent
“Such a lovely, kind lady, a pleasure to work with.” Sarah Perkins
Linda Portman worked with Pam from the early days before the practice moved to its current premises.
She says: “I know how much the patients loved and respected her. Some of Pam’s patients were treated by her for over twenty-five years. After Pam took early retirement to focus on her health, patients continued to ask me how Pam was, remembering the personal care she showed them and wishing her well. Those of us who knew Pam, remember her warmth, her smile and her ability to connect easily with other people. I will remember her with great fondness, as a good friend and dedicated dentist.”
Pamela was loved and will be missed.
There is a funeral service on Thursday 21st September at 11.00 a.m. at Cheltenham Crematorium in the Oak Chapel.
If you wish, please donate to Cancer Research UK in Pamela’s memory.