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NHS dental charges 2024-25 up by 4%

NHS dental charges sad patients

The government increases NHS fees by 4% on 1st April, 2024

For five years, the 2015 Spending Review committed to an annual uplift to patient charges of 5%. For two years and three months, since the last increase and the end of the Spending Review, there has not been an increase in charges. It was, of course, the Covid years.

In 2023 the government increased NHS Band fees by 8.5%. This year, 2024, 4% is more in keeping with previous ‘uplifts’ but is not the answer to the access problems patients around the country face.

If you are concerned about access to dental care, please contact your local MP.

The dental charge payable for a Band 1 course of treatment rises by £1, from £25.80 to £26.80. A Band 2 course of treatment increases by £2.80 from £70.70 to £73.50. A Band 3 course of treatment increases by £12.30 from £306.80 to £319.10.

Moreover,  the cost-of-living crisis means that patients who have a dentist, are not attending because of the cost.



Dental Treatment Band 2023 Charge 2024 Charge Increase %
Band One £25.80 £26.80 £1.00 4%
Band Two £70.70 £73.50 £2.80 4%
Band Three £306.80 £319.10 £12.30 4%

Important information:

*Please note:  Some SpaDental practices are only able to see private patients because they do not hold a contract with the NHS. Our private only practices, offer a range of dental plans to spread the cost of of treatment over monthly payments.

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