News about Change4life
Food for thought – International School Meals Day
“How was school today?” For many children lunch break is the best bit of the school day! It’s a time to be with friends, eat and chat. And if you ask the question, “How was school today?” you’ll probably be told what was for lunch! Most children will put food first, especially whether it was…
Read more »More tips for cutting down sugar
As we near the end of sugar-free February, how did you get on with swapping it out or leaving it out completely? Here are a few more tips for helping to cut down sugar-consumption for you and your family. Cancer Research is one of the organisations encouraging us to live a healthier life and use…
Read more »Beat the back to school packed lunch challenge!
Game on! The back to school packed lunch challenge is a tough one! There’s a lot in the news about children and sugar. Children need our help. With so much choice around and so much pressure from advertising and retailers, it’s not surprising that we’re all tempted to eat products with little or no…
Read more »Out and about teaching children how to brush better.
Our talented duo and are out in the community again. They’re on a mission to teach children how to brush teeth better. And they’re not alone. Henry the Helpful Brushasorous goes with them too, and keeps everyone smiling. Helping children to brush better It’s so important for children to learn how to look after their…
Read more »Educate for life – exercise and food choice matter.
School meals are still a hot topic. School meals have changed for the better. Media focus on the benefits of a good school meal means that the standard of school dinners is definitely much better now than it used to be. Nowadays, schools are serving meals that are not only tasty but healthy too. As…
Read more »Children’s Dental Health Coordinators go back to school.
Our Children’s Dental Health Coordinators go back to school! Mrs and Mrs are having interactive educational talks with primary school children in the Plymouth area. They are proving very popular, especially with the help of Henry, our lovable Brushasorous! What do we do? The talented duo visit schools on an arranged time and day to deliver…
Read more »The back to school packed lunch challenge
After the sunniest of summer holidays, it’s nearly September, and the school packed lunch challenge begins again! Day after day, throughout the school term, it’s hard to keep getting meals ready. It isn’t easy making something the children like, that fills them up, and is healthy too! Why do some families opt for school packed…
Read more »Increasing number of children have type 2 diabetes.
Update: In 2019, 1/11 people are diabetic worldwide because type 2 diabetes is increasing. What is type 2 diabetes? In the past, type 2 diabetes was a condition that adults got. A problem that developed with age; a problem often associated with weight gain and even called “adult-onset diabetes”. But times are changing. Type 2…
Read more »Healthy children become healthy adults.
Both SpaDental Plymouth and SpaDental Whitchurch have hosted Children’s Days this week. We aim to nurture dentally healthy children. Yet it’s a time when, once again, there’s been a lot about children’s health in the news. The focus? The number of children who are overweight and obese. As dentists, we’re concerned because unhealthy eating habits…
Read more »Sugar habit? The UK sugar tax kicks in today
We need to kick our sugar habit because there are still too many children having bad teeth removed in our hospitals, and obesity is an increasing health problem. Junk food ads? A year on from the sugar tax – April 2019 The tax begins that will help us to curb our sugar intake. No longer…
Read more »Getting five a day is easier than it sounds.
We’ve all read that we should be getting five portions of fruit and vegetables as part of a healthy diet. Here are some explainers and tips on how to add natural colour to our menu. Why are veg and fruit so good for us? they’re a great source of vitamins and minerals dietary fibre helps keep…
Read more »Why is sugar so bad? Here are some not-so-sweet facts
Is it just a passing fad, this media focus on sugar? Or is our love affair with sugar something we should have moved on from years ago? Is sugar so bad? For years plenty of saccharine song lyrics have added to the myth that sugar’s something good. But Maroon 5 have got it right: a…
Read more »Encouraging Healthy Eating for Obesity Awareness, 2018
National Obesity Awareness Week begins today The aim? To improve the health of the nation, through encouraging healthy eating, less snacking, and more exercise What’s the problem? According to the NHS: “The term “obese” describes a person who’s very overweight, with a lot of body fat. It’s a common problem in the UK that’s estimated to affect around…
Read more »The packed lunch challenge
After the winter holiday, our kids are back in school, and the packed lunch challenge is on again! It’s a tough one! Change4Life has launched its new campaign to remind us that too much sugar is bad for our bodies and bad for our teeth: “Children in England are eating nearly three times the recommended…
Read more »Our next Children’s Day at SpaDental Plymouth is Thursday 21st December 2017
Care as well as fun Do you have children who are due for their routine dental check at the practice? As part of our preventive care, we want to see children regularly. Children who are used to visiting us from an early age are more likely to have good teeth for life! Our special day…
Read more »School Meals Week 2017
National School Meals Week 13th-17th November 2017 supported by SpaDental Today is the first day of the LACA special focus week, organised to encourage healthy eating and food awareness. School meals are a hot topic! School meals have changed for the better. Every morning children at school look forward to their lunch break. Children like to…
Read more »North/South divide shows in our babies’ teeth
A recent study by the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry has revealed that children under the age of two years old in the North of England are more than twice as likely to be taken to see an NHS Dentist than infants in the South. Are our babies’ teeth at risk? Dental professionals are keen to ensure…
Read more »Fun at your practice with the SpaDental Group
SpaDental always encourages you to bring your children along with you to the dentist, even if they don’t need to be treated. It can be fun! Fun in the clinic Getting small children used to visiting the dentist is a good idea. Children can be put off even by the noise and the smell of the…
Read more »Fat? How much is too much?
Fat and sugar – an invisible problem Children ‘might seem fine on the outside’ but eating too much saturated fat can lead to a harmful buildup of fat inside. Your kids ‘might seem fine on the outside’ but too much sugar can also cause the harmful buildup of fat around internal organs. This can lead to…
Read more »Meet ‘Dental Buddy’
It is a frightening thought that in Primary Schools across the UK, about eight or nine children in each school class will have already developed tooth decay. That is rapidly approaching a quarter of a million children in every primary school year. That is around 3.3 million young people aged between 0-14 years of age….
Read more »Be Food Smart – Children’s Event
You may be aware that Public Health England has launched Be Food Smart – a national campaign focusing on healthy eating for families. Part of the campaign will be to encourage families to download the new ‘Be Food Smart’ app to reveal the surprising amounts of sugar, saturated fat and salt in everyday food and…
Read more »Change4Life recommends reduced sugar intake for everyone
We are all eating too much sugar in our diets, especially children who often consuming their whole day’s recommended allowance before school. The government’s Change4 Life campaign recommended sugar guidelines are: Children aged 4 to 6 years old shouldn’t have more than 19g of added sugar per day – that’s 5 cubes (based on 4g…
Read more »Dr Alavi & Diamond Dental join the SpaDental Southampton practice
Dr John Webley and his staff are pleased to welcome Dr Hamid Alavi and the patients of Diamond Dental to our SpaDental Southampton practice. Dr Alavi’s current surgery, four doors along Burgess Road, is closing and from today, he is treating his patients at the SpaDental practice. SpaDental can offer Dr Alavi’s patients additional services…
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