News about Nhs Dentistry (page 2)
Smiles for life – make a Children’s Day appointment.
SpaDental Chard, Plymouth and Whitchurch can help your children to have the best teeth they can possibly have. So why not book a Children’s Day appointment during half-term? Updated February 2019 Our friendly staff are organising fun activities and waiting to see brilliant family smiles! Chard’s Children’s Day – 19th February, 2019 Plymouth’s Children’s Day…
Read more »Out and about teaching children how to brush better.
Our talented duo and are out in the community again. They’re on a mission to teach children how to brush teeth better. And they’re not alone. Henry the Helpful Brushasorous goes with them too, and keeps everyone smiling. Helping children to brush better It’s so important for children to learn how to look after their…
Read more »No-show NHS patients in Plymouth – “It’s a shame”
In the Plymouth practice, we’re painfully aware of gaps in our busy day. No-show NHS patients give us a break, but it’s not a welcome break. It means that someone who would really benefit from seeing a dentist misses an opportunity. And a skilled professional, one of our dentists, therapists or hygienists, is wasting time….
Read more »Children’s Dental Health Coordinators go back to school.
Our Children’s Dental Health Coordinators go back to school! Mrs and Mrs are having interactive educational talks with primary school children in the Plymouth area. They are proving very popular, especially with the help of Henry, our lovable Brushasorous! What do we do? The talented duo visit schools on an arranged time and day to deliver…
Read more »NHS dental fines for ticking the wrong box continue.
NHS dental fines continue because the NHS charges patients who make a wrong claim for dental care costs. The automatic system that sends out penalty charge notices (PCN) began as a way of checking up on the large number of false claims that were being made with deliberate intent to avoid payment. However, the system…
Read more »NHS penalty charge notices for dental treatment.
No-one wants to receive an NHS penalty charge notice in the post. They are triggered by an automated checking system introduced ten years ago to make sure people pay the correct fee for dental care. The NHS penalty charge is here to stay. The automated system was brought in to tackle the high number of…
Read more »August 23rd is Children’s Day in Plymouth
Why not come along to SpaDental for our next Children’s Day in Plymouth? We’re a family-friendly surgery every day, but on these special days the atmosphere is even more relaxed and welcoming for our younger patients. SpaDental Plymouth is currently registering babies, children and teens as NHS patients. On Thursday 23rd August, our dentists are ready…
Read more »It’s time to think about registering for your children’s oral health checks.
A worrying time for children’s oral health. At SpaDental Plymouth, we too are concerned about the education and health of pre-school children. In support of the NHS initiative for dentists to see an additional 70,000 pre-school children this year, we are reaching out to spread the news that we are accepting new NHS patient registrations…
Read more »Can’t get to your Plymouth dental appointment? Cancel it!
SpaDental Plymouth aims to provide quality dental care to all of our patients. To do so, it is essential to run on schedule and to use clinical time effectively. Therefore, if you need to cancel your Plymouth dental appointment, let us know. We ask for your help. We’ve been looking at our records, and we…
Read more »Little people deserve great dental care – Whitchurch
At SpaDental Whitchurch we believe that little people deserve great dental care. Therefore, Hannah and Jo are reaching out to our local community to make sure it happens! It’s all about clean teeth! Last week (dental nurse and practice manager) and (dental nurse trainee) had a fabulous visit to Little Bears Day Care. They chatted…
Read more »Looking after kids’ teeth in Whitchurch.
We really want to look after your kids’ teeth in Whitchurch. We believe it matters, and can make a life-long difference. We’re out and about! We’re trying to help young children to know how important it is to learn to look after their teeth. Sometimes, as parents, we need a little bit of extra help…
Read more »Healthy children become healthy adults.
Both SpaDental Plymouth and SpaDental Whitchurch have hosted Children’s Days this week. We aim to nurture dentally healthy children. Yet it’s a time when, once again, there’s been a lot about children’s health in the news. The focus? The number of children who are overweight and obese. As dentists, we’re concerned because unhealthy eating habits…
Read more »Calling all children! We want to see you!
1. Fact: At least 95% of tooth decay is avoidable. 2. Fact: Tooth decay is the major reason for child hospital admissions. 3. Fact: Children can see a dentist at no expense to their parents or guardians. These are three statements worth thinking about! SpaDental Plymouth and SpaDental Whitchurch are supporting a national drive to…
Read more »More Plymouth patient appreciation for SpaDental – thank you!
Since we piloted the online feedback form for Plymouth patient appreciation or dissatisfaction with our practice, we’ve had over 300 responses. Thank you so much for taking the time to submit your views. Our review rating of 4.7 stars (out of 5) highlights Plymouth patient appreciation for the work we do. We’re smiling with pride,…
Read more »Caring for children’s dental health in Shropshire.
Spadental Whitchurch is helping children’s dental health in Shropshire. We believe it’s important! We think children’s dental health matters! Good habits learned early make a difference! Children learn good oral hygiene at home. But they also need to get used to going to a dentist for check-ups. It’s pretty traumatic when a child’s first experience…
Read more »Ensuring quality is an important concern in dental health care
SpaDental invites you to share your experience of your treatment at our practices with the CQC. Your feedback to the The Care Quality Commission (CQC) will help to inform quality of care in dental practices nationwide. We agree that it’s important all health care providers meet the standards patients deserve and should expect. The CQC…
Read more »Amelia knows that teeth are valuable!
Amelia’s lost her first tooth! She’s very happy! It was wobbling and Amelia was wondering when it was going to come out. She knew she had to be patient though. Wiggling it a bit, but leaving the tooth to come out in its own time. “It’s good I didn’t lose it down the plughole,” she…
Read more »How to preserve children’s teeth – top 3 tips.
Understanding the problem, and what we can do to preserve children’s teeth. The facts of the problem: Tooth decay is 95 % avoidable. 12% of 3 year olds have tooth decay. 25% of 5 year olds have tooth decay. Earlier symptoms of tooth decay in children are often untreated. Tooth decay is the most common…
Read more »We’re registering! Children’s NHS treatment – Plymouth & Saltash
Updated August 2019 Are you wondering how to get the best dental care for your kids? Or are you and your family relocating to the Plymouth/Tamar region? Learn more about our children’s NHS treatments, at our SpaDental Plymouth and Saltash practices. Find your nearest practice Ask about fluoride treatment to help protect children’s teeth Meet…
Read more »How can I get the best dental care?
We hear people wondering how they can get the best dental care. Not just repair or emergency treatments, but the sort of thorough dental care that modern patients are looking for. NHS prices increase from April 1st, 2018. The majority of NHS patients pay a certain amount towards treatment. There are exceptions – for…
Read more »NHS dental charges from 1st April 2018 increase by 5%
NHS dental charges for 2019-2020 increase by 5% Dental Treatment Band 2018-19 Charge 2017-18 Charge Increase % Band One £21.60 £20.60 £1.00 4.85% Band Two £59.10 £56.30 £2.80 4.97% Band Three £256.50 £244.30 £10.60 5.00% If you would like further details about treatment under the NHS (National Health Service) please ask your dental…
Read more »Understanding NHS dental charges from April 2019
Updated 12th March 2019 NHS Dental Charges for 2019-2020 Dentistry is one of the few NHS services where you have to pay a contribution towards the cost of your care. The NHS dental charges information on this page is reproduced from the NHS website and explains what you may have to pay for your NHS dental…
Read more »Automated checks of NHS fees punish the wrong people
Over the last ten years, using an automated system to reduce fee evasion, the number of NHS dental patients fined has increased enormously. Some NHS dental patients are eligible for free dental care. Others, as part of the NHS Low Income Scheme, are entitled to partial help with their fees. It is very important that…
Read more »Blue Wednesday is 15th November 2017
We all know about blue Mondays! Those Monday morning blues after the weekend never quite seem to leave you. For mouth cancer patients, their cancer blues will almost never leave them. There will always be a reminder of what they went through. Whether it’s their speech, their ability to eat and drink, or even just…
Read more »North/South divide shows in our babies’ teeth
A recent study by the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry has revealed that children under the age of two years old in the North of England are more than twice as likely to be taken to see an NHS Dentist than infants in the South. Are our babies’ teeth at risk? Dental professionals are keen to ensure…
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