News about Salt
Food for thought – International School Meals Day
“How was school today?” For many children lunch break is the best bit of the school day! It’s a time to be with friends, eat and chat. And if you ask the question, “How was school today?” you’ll probably be told what was for lunch! Most children will put food first, especially whether it was…
Read more »Plymouth: community outreach keeping teeth healthy
Two years ago, Spa Dental Plymouth set up a dental education project to help children keep their teeth healthy. The community outreach team, and , regularly visit schools around the region delivering educational workshops. When they visit your school, they’ll bring along Henry the Brushasaurus, as well as handfuls of toothbrushes, tubes of paste, timers…
Read more »A year on from the sugar tax, what about junk food ads?
If you have an opinion about junk food ads, sugar tax or junk food in general, then follow this link to the Department of Health and Social Care so that you can have your say. The government aims to cut obesity levels The government aims to halve current child obesity levels by 2030. As that’s…
Read more »Children’s oral health education, Plymouth.
Last week SpaDental Plymouth teamed up with Pomphlett Primary School, working their health education magic together again. Dental care tips for babies and children. On this visit, and were talking to Year 1 and 2. They spoke with nearly 100 children aged between four and five about the hidden danger of sugar in their diets….
Read more »School Meals Week 2017
National School Meals Week 13th-17th November 2017 supported by SpaDental Today is the first day of the LACA special focus week, organised to encourage healthy eating and food awareness. School meals are a hot topic! School meals have changed for the better. Every morning children at school look forward to their lunch break. Children like to…
Read more »North/South divide shows in our babies’ teeth
A recent study by the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry has revealed that children under the age of two years old in the North of England are more than twice as likely to be taken to see an NHS Dentist than infants in the South. Are our babies’ teeth at risk? Dental professionals are keen to ensure…
Read more »Fun at your practice with the SpaDental Group
SpaDental always encourages you to bring your children along with you to the dentist, even if they don’t need to be treated. It can be fun! Fun in the clinic Getting small children used to visiting the dentist is a good idea. Children can be put off even by the noise and the smell of the…
Read more »Be Food Smart – Children’s Event
You may be aware that Public Health England has launched Be Food Smart – a national campaign focusing on healthy eating for families. Part of the campaign will be to encourage families to download the new ‘Be Food Smart’ app to reveal the surprising amounts of sugar, saturated fat and salt in everyday food and…
Read more »How much is too much? Salt
Over half our kids are eating more salt that they should. Many everyday foods are not obviously salty, but they can contain high amounts of ‘hidden salt’. While we may add salt to our food during cooking or just before we eat it, about 75% of the salt we eat is already added to the food…
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