News about Sugar
Food for thought – International School Meals Day
“How was school today?” For many children lunch break is the best bit of the school day! It’s a time to be with friends, eat and chat. And if you ask the question, “How was school today?” you’ll probably be told what was for lunch! Most children will put food first, especially whether it was…
Read more »What’s the best drink for teeth?
There are a lot of reasons why we need to avoid fruit drinks, cola, and sports drinks. Even when the weather’s not so hot, we consume surprising quantities of beverages that contain a lot of sugar and destructive acid. So what is the best drink for our teeth? What’s Fizz Free? #gofizzfree points out that…
Read more »1/10 people are diabetic – World Diabetes Day 2022
The aim of World Diabetes Day is to raise awareness of the challenges of living with diabetes, as well as helping people to reduce their chance of becoming diabetic. 1 in 10 adults were living with diabetes in 2021 More than 1.2 million children and adolescents (0-19 years) live with type 1 diabetes Diabetes caused 6.7 million…
Read more »Is running good for our teeth? So’s walking!
Is there evidence that running is good for our teeth? Well, there’s lots of smiling in the parkrun community on a Saturday morning as they set off at 9:00. Five kilometres later, once they catch their breath, there are even more smiles. Parkrun is, quite literally, a breath-taking phenomenon. From a few people running in…
Read more »Can hot weather hurt teeth? Summer survival tips.
Feeling the heat? Your dental health may not be your first concern. However, an extended spell of warm weather may have a negative impact on our teeth. Extreme weather is a warning we take seriously and we urge everyone to keep safe too. It’s easy to underestimate the impact a heatwave can have on our…
Read more »Too many sweet treats?
Sweet choices The sweet treats of Easter! Lots of sugar-laden ‘goodies’ ranging from beautifully wrapped eggs to seasonal shaped chocolates. Often lots of chocolates, many with sticky fillings. In the UK we love our festive chocolate! But we’re not alone. Many celebrations all around the world also include sweet delicacies of one kind or another….
Read more »Sober October? Good decision!
It’s Sober October and cutting out alcohol could be the best decision you’ve ever made. GOSOBER! Well-being tips and information Sober October is good for ourselves. “Oh no! October is a long month. Why can’t it be February?” Think day by day, and the time will pass quickly. It’s a great opportunity to give our…
Read more »UEFA 2020: Do footballers have good teeth?
8th July – update What a game that was last night! It was great to see Harry Kane (read more about him below) net that rebound. Just one more to go now! 4th July – update With a resounding win against Ukraine, 0 – 4, England is through to the semi-finals! Now our excitement’s mounting…
Read more »Is an electric or manual toothbrush better for my teeth?
If you’re wondering whether an electric toothbrush would help you keep your teeth and gums in good condition, or whether to stick to a manual toothbrush, read on. Electric toothbrushes are more popular than ever, but they are more expensive. Do they really clean our teeth better than manual toothbrushes? Here, we take a look…
Read more »Did lockdown damage my teeth? 3 possible problems
As we wonder whether we’ll end up in another lockdown (let’s try to make sure that doesn’t happen) we’re able to reflect on the last one. Please take the time now we’re open again to follow up on your oral health. Make an appointment, check for concerns and fix any lockdown damage. Dentists fear a…
Read more »Decrease dental decay with 3 simple steps.
Published figures provide statistical evidence that the number of children needing extractions because of dental decay decreases each year. Which sounds like great news. But in actual fact, taken as a percentage of the population from 0-19 years old, apparently the last set of statistical records showed no change from the year before. Which is…
Read more »Help children keep healthy teeth at home
Dentists around the country are doing their best to try to help children keep healthy teeth. But it’s not just up to dentists! As at least 95% of cavities are preventable, we’re trying to spread the word so parents and carers can help children have better teeth than generations before them. A recent BBC report…
Read more »Break the silence on teething gel ingredients
This is certainly news worth sharing if you know someone who has a teething baby. At some time or other, many parents use pain relief products bought from a local chemist. Most of us don’t look at the list of teething gel ingredients – I know I never did. I trusted well known brands to…
Read more »Plymouth: community outreach keeping teeth healthy
Two years ago, Spa Dental Plymouth set up a dental education project to help children keep their teeth healthy. The community outreach team, and , regularly visit schools around the region delivering educational workshops. When they visit your school, they’ll bring along Henry the Brushasaurus, as well as handfuls of toothbrushes, tubes of paste, timers…
Read more »Free sugar in baby food is higher than we realise
The time when a baby starts to transition onto solid foods, is a time when we want to make sure baby is getting good nutrition, and establishing sound habits for the future. To help us make sure baby’s getting the best ingredients, we’re likely to turn to products specifically made for infants by established brands….
Read more »Take care! 6 tips to preserve aging teeth.
How does aging affect our teeth? There’s no doubt that aging affects our bodies. And our teeth and mouth are no exception. But, just as we can take care of our body through regular exercise and eating well, there’s plenty we can do to look after our teeth and mouth as we get older. Here…
Read more »A year on from the sugar tax, what about junk food ads?
If you have an opinion about junk food ads, sugar tax or junk food in general, then follow this link to the Department of Health and Social Care so that you can have your say. The government aims to cut obesity levels The government aims to halve current child obesity levels by 2030. As that’s…
Read more »Children’s oral health education, Plymouth.
Last week SpaDental Plymouth teamed up with Pomphlett Primary School, working their health education magic together again. Dental care tips for babies and children. On this visit, and were talking to Year 1 and 2. They spoke with nearly 100 children aged between four and five about the hidden danger of sugar in their diets….
Read more »Beat the back to school packed lunch challenge!
Game on! The back to school packed lunch challenge is a tough one! There’s a lot in the news about children and sugar. Children need our help. With so much choice around and so much pressure from advertising and retailers, it’s not surprising that we’re all tempted to eat products with little or no…
Read more »Out and about teaching children how to brush better.
Our talented duo and are out in the community again. They’re on a mission to teach children how to brush teeth better. And they’re not alone. Henry the Helpful Brushasorous goes with them too, and keeps everyone smiling. Helping children to brush better It’s so important for children to learn how to look after their…
Read more »Home baked cakes are better for teeth.
Love it or hate it, The Great British Bake Off could be doing our health a favour. That’s because home baked is better for teeth. In fact, the ever rising popularity of food shows could be a great benefit to our well-being in many ways. That is, if we spend some time in the kitchen,…
Read more »Protect tooth enamel – 10 tips.
Protect tooth enamel from the grind of everyday life. The gradual wearing away of our teeth throughout our lives is a reality. Follow ten simple tips to have better teeth forever! If we think of our teeth as cliffs, standing up to the relentless beat of waves, we can understand that the harder they are,…
Read more »The back to school packed lunch challenge
After the sunniest of summer holidays, it’s nearly September, and the school packed lunch challenge begins again! Day after day, throughout the school term, it’s hard to keep getting meals ready. It isn’t easy making something the children like, that fills them up, and is healthy too! Why do some families opt for school packed…
Read more »Are you ready? Tooth tips for bank holiday preparation.
Updated August 2019 Every bank holiday the roads are busy with people heading off for a long weekend. Here’s a few suggestions for bank holiday preparation that we hope will help your break run smoothly, and also keep your teeth and mouth in good shape. What do I need to take on a long car…
Read more »Increasing number of children have type 2 diabetes.
Update: In 2019, 1/11 people are diabetic worldwide because type 2 diabetes is increasing. What is type 2 diabetes? In the past, type 2 diabetes was a condition that adults got. A problem that developed with age; a problem often associated with weight gain and even called “adult-onset diabetes”. But times are changing. Type 2…
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