News about Children (page 2)
Are you ready? Tooth tips for bank holiday preparation.
Updated August 2019 Every bank holiday the roads are busy with people heading off for a long weekend. Here’s a few suggestions for bank holiday preparation that we hope will help your break run smoothly, and also keep your teeth and mouth in good shape. What do I need to take on a long car…
Read more »Back to school? Get a gum shield.
Teeth and gums need protection from impact. Girl or boy, whatever the sport, a custom-made mouth guard is your best choice. The week before school begins can be really busy. There’s always a lot to buy: uniform, bags, notebooks, pens and maths sets. Yet there’s one item that may not even be on your shopping…
Read more »Increasing number of children have type 2 diabetes.
Update: In 2019, 1/11 people are diabetic worldwide because type 2 diabetes is increasing. What is type 2 diabetes? In the past, type 2 diabetes was a condition that adults got. A problem that developed with age; a problem often associated with weight gain and even called “adult-onset diabetes”. But times are changing. Type 2…
Read more »Government action plan targeting childhood obesity.
“The rise in severe obesity and widening health inequalities highlight why bold measures are needed to tackle this threat to our children’s health.”The chief nutritionist at Public Health England (PHE). Earlier this year, we saw the introduction of the “sugar tax”, tackling sugary drinks with the Soft Drinks Industry Levy (SDIL). This was followed in June…
Read more »Dental care tips for babies and children.
Caring for our children’s teeth when they’re young makes an enormous difference to their dental health as adults. It will even impact on their long-term general health too. To help you follow a great oral hygiene routine at home, here are a few dental care tips for babies and children. , our SpaDental Whitchurch oral…
Read more »It’s time to think about registering for your children’s oral health checks.
A worrying time for children’s oral health. At SpaDental Plymouth, we too are concerned about the education and health of pre-school children. In support of the NHS initiative for dentists to see an additional 70,000 pre-school children this year, we are reaching out to spread the news that we are accepting new NHS patient registrations…
Read more »Looking after kids’ teeth in Whitchurch.
We really want to look after your kids’ teeth in Whitchurch. We believe it matters, and can make a life-long difference. We’re out and about! We’re trying to help young children to know how important it is to learn to look after their teeth. Sometimes, as parents, we need a little bit of extra help…
Read more »Healthy children become healthy adults.
Both SpaDental Plymouth and SpaDental Whitchurch have hosted Children’s Days this week. We aim to nurture dentally healthy children. Yet it’s a time when, once again, there’s been a lot about children’s health in the news. The focus? The number of children who are overweight and obese. As dentists, we’re concerned because unhealthy eating habits…
Read more »Caring for children’s dental health in Shropshire.
Spadental Whitchurch is helping children’s dental health in Shropshire. We believe it’s important! We think children’s dental health matters! Good habits learned early make a difference! Children learn good oral hygiene at home. But they also need to get used to going to a dentist for check-ups. It’s pretty traumatic when a child’s first experience…
Read more »Amelia knows that teeth are valuable!
Amelia’s lost her first tooth! She’s very happy! It was wobbling and Amelia was wondering when it was going to come out. She knew she had to be patient though. Wiggling it a bit, but leaving the tooth to come out in its own time. “It’s good I didn’t lose it down the plughole,” she…
Read more »We’re registering! Children’s NHS treatment – Plymouth & Saltash
Updated August 2019 Are you wondering how to get the best dental care for your kids? Or are you and your family relocating to the Plymouth/Tamar region? Learn more about our children’s NHS treatments, at our SpaDental Plymouth and Saltash practices. Find your nearest practice Ask about fluoride treatment to help protect children’s teeth Meet…
Read more »How much chocolate is too much?
This week, many of us will be out shopping for Easter. With that in mind, I asked myself about how much chocolate I should have in the house. There’s something so appealing about these fabulous chocolate creations, wrapped and boxed to temp and entice us! The magic of a shell that opens and colourful, tasty…
Read more »Why do we have two tooth fairy days?
It was a surprise to me to discover that there are two days a year to celebrate the tooth fairy! Today, and also August 22nd are both marked on calendars as tooth fairy days. I can remember getting a coin under my pillow to replace a tooth. And I still have quite a collection of…
Read more »Flouride in our water? Yes or no?
What is ‘fluoride’ and do we need fluoride in our water? When we talk about fluoride we are referring to the compound Sodium Fluoride (NaF), or another fluorine-containing salt. Sometimes fluoride in our water source occurs naturally. Some water boards add it. Fluoride is also a key ingredient in everyday tooth-care products, such as toothpaste….
Read more »In the light of shocking statistics about child tooth decay, what can we do?
Statistical evidence that excess sugar is destroying our children’s teeth is shocking. Tooth decay is 95% preventable. “Tooth decay is the number one reason for child hospital admissions” Mick Armstrong, chairman of the BDA This should not be the case. What is the government doing to fight tooth decay? The NHS allows children and young…
Read more »Fun facts for tooth brushing time. It’s squirrel day!
It’s a fact: children love learning new things, and have a huge appetite for snippets of information So be sure to let them know that today is Squirrel Appreciation Day! This day was first recognised in North America, as it’s a time of the year when tree squirrels can have a hard time finding food….
Read more »Why is sugar so bad? Here are some not-so-sweet facts
Is it just a passing fad, this media focus on sugar? Or is our love affair with sugar something we should have moved on from years ago? Is sugar so bad? For years plenty of saccharine song lyrics have added to the myth that sugar’s something good. But Maroon 5 have got it right: a…
Read more »The packed lunch challenge
After the winter holiday, our kids are back in school, and the packed lunch challenge is on again! It’s a tough one! Change4Life has launched its new campaign to remind us that too much sugar is bad for our bodies and bad for our teeth: “Children in England are eating nearly three times the recommended…
Read more »Tuesday 19th December is Children’s Day at SpaDental Whitchurch
We want your children to have great teeth for life! Bring them in for a dental check, and we can help teach them about the importance of taking good care of their teeth. When do I need to brush my teeth? How much toothpaste do I use? Where do I floss? These are all important…
Read more »Fun at your practice with the SpaDental Group
SpaDental always encourages you to bring your children along with you to the dentist, even if they don’t need to be treated. It can be fun! Fun in the clinic Getting small children used to visiting the dentist is a good idea. Children can be put off even by the noise and the smell of the…
Read more »Protect! Use a gum shield
Gum Shields Meet William. He’s 10 years old and has an overwhelming enthusiasm for life. That’s why William needs a gum shield. William first attended the practice at six months old and has been a regular attendee since with his Mum, Dad and younger sister, Fleur. At his last visit, William told his dentist, , that he’d…
Read more »Tooth Fairy gets a pay rise
That’s inflation for you The tooth fairy pays out on average £1.49 per tooth collected. That is a five percent rise on 2016. Children living in London get the most. This means that they receive about £1.88 per tooth. Those that live in the South West wake up to a lower payment of £1.18 under…
Read more »Back to school – what an impact!
Have you been busy getting your kids ready to go back to school? Going out shopping to get new pieces of uniform, buying bags, notebooks and algebra sets? Could you have forgotten an essential? Your kid’s new sports mouth guard. It’s true that most school shops sell mouth guards to wear during fast paced sports…
Read more »Sports drinks are ‘helping fuel an epidemic’ of tooth decay in children
High sugar, acidic sports drinks are increasingly popular with young people, adding risks to their dental and general health. Almost 90% of 12-14 year-olds are consuming sports drinks, with 68% of teens and pre-teens drinking them regularly, many of them for social reasons, a new survey by Cardiff University School of Dentistry has found. Children…
Read more »Straight talking teeth
SpaDental offers Invisalign completed in the comfort of our own surgeries to help you achieve the even smile you have always wanted and the treatment is suitable for all ages – adults and teenagers alike. Invisalign is a virtually invisible way to straighten your teeth using clear removable aligners and as there are no fixed brackets or…
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