Night Guards at Tewkesbury
As well as night guards to help with grinding or clenching, SpaDental Tewkesbury now offers treatment that can help prevent snoring.
Dentist April Halford fits Sleepwell™ appliances
SpaDental Tewkesbury dentist, April Halford, took additional training to evaluate patients with problems breathing at night and knows the difference a custom-made snore prevention guard can make to her patients’ lives.
April provides a mandibular advancement splint (MAS) called Sleepwell™ that the patient wears while sleeping. It is made by S4S dental laboratories, a leading UK provider of dental appliances.
April says: “All the patients I have fitted with a Sleepwell snoreguard have been delighted with the success of their treatment. They have reported a much improved night’s sleep for both themselves and their partner.
In fact, I have fitted one for my husband and can personally vouch for its success.
The clinical process required is simple and painless, involving only three short visits. The first visit will enable me to assess if the Sleepwell appliance is likely to be successful for you personally and if so, I would then suggest that you could go ahead with treatment.
It can make such a difference to your daily life, it is well with considering the benefits.”
An MAS helps maintain open airways by advancing the lower jaw slightly. Think of the splint as a sports guard, or tooth whitening tray, to wear over both the upper and lower teeth. Carefully calibrated for an individual fit, the lower jaw stays in a forward position, without force or discomfort.
S4S Dental Laboratory that manufactures Sleepwell™ splints states: “For many, a MAS can have a life-changing impact.”
Keeping teeth safe while you sleep
Nights guards are used to protect teeth from grinding and clenching, a condition known as bruxism. Our custom-made night guards fit snugly over your teeth, keeping them safe while you sleep.
If bruxism is not addressed, it can lead to serious problems, including tooth loss and jaw joint disorders. Although night guards will not stop people from grinding their teeth, they do provide a cushioning effect which helps to minimise any potential damage.
Night Guards help
- improve your sleep
- reduce headaches and jaw problems
- prevent enamel wear and tooth sensitivity
Looking after your night guard
Night guards will last longer and be more hygienic if they are properly maintained. An effective cleaning routine should include gentle brushing and occasional soaking in denture cleaning fluid.
You should regularly check your night guard for damage and bring it with you to routine check-ups so we can make sure it still fits correctly.
Indicative Treatment Fees
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Please note: a guard to help prevent snoring is more expensive than the indicative price for a standard night guard. Please call us to find out more information.
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