BDA dental treatment information for patients

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Knowledge is power. It helps us to handle situations we have not experienced before.

Some patients like to find out as much as possible before they start a course of treatment.

Our dentists plan courses of treatment with their patients, discussing options and how the treatment will be. However, in the surgery, it is easy to miss some of the vital information you may need. We hope you’ll find the facts you need in the linked documents below.

Our treatment pages contain useful information. Moreover, you can find a useful library of dental information here, prepared by the British Dental Association. We list popular treatments here. Please get in touch with our experts if you need more information.

BDA dental treatment information

Please follow the pages linked in the headings to find out more.

Bad Breath

Brushing your Teeth


Dental Examination

Dental Implants

Dental X-rays

Denture and Bridge Cleaning

Endodontics (Root Canal Therapy)

Etch Bonded Resin Retained Restorations


Fissure Sealant

Fixed Bridges


Healthy Eating

Mouth Cancer

Periodontal (gum) disease

Removable Dentures

Root Surface Debridement

Scaling and Polishing

‘Silver’ Fillings (amalgam)

Tooth-Coloured fillings (composite)

Tooth Erosion 

Tooth Whitening


Wisdom Teeth

We hope the information leaflets answer questions you may have.

If not, or you have more questions, please use our Contact Us Form linked in the tab above to ask us a question. One of our experienced team will respond as soon as possible.

Please note that in the case of a dental emergency, bleeding or swelling that is not stopping, you should contact your nearest emergency service for treatment as soon as possible.